Feb 15, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

Again, I enjoyed your writing and found comfort in knowing I'm not the only one whose "brain fills with white noise" instead of the necessary Portuguese noun. Thank you.

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The day before yesterday I went to the market to buy a specific kind of cheese, and was doing so well in the transaction until the vendor asked me if I wanted a bag. I know the word "bolsa" (I'm in Spain), we were at the point of the interaction where I'd be asked if I wanted a bag, and yet suddenly my brain turned his words into that mumbly sound that all the adults in Charlie Brown cartoons make. Luckily the vendor is a very sweet man, he repeated his question with the international hand gesture of putting something in a bag, and we both laughed.

(PS, I know EXACTLY where you and Sarah are standing in that picture!)

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Oh yeah, I had one of these "white noise" brain freezes just the other day. I was at my usual bar, ordering my usual caffè machiato, and all of a sudden I couldn't remember how to say "please" in Italian. I mean...I'm sure the look on my face said it all. Sometimes even the simplest thing is just too much for my poor frazzled mind.

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

I learned what Italian I know from listening to opera, so when I went to Italy I kept saying things like "I pray thee, fine gentleman, discover for me the bathroom?" (roughly translated). I got laughed at a lot. But it was fun.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

Thank you for your writing. It’s so… pragmatic. Factual. Objective. It feels written like I want to absorb it. Precisely. Really enjoy your blog and perspectives. Thank you.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

I’m very fortunate that my daughter son in law and 2 Gkids live in north London! I go pretty often (was just there a few weeks ago) and it’s now so odd to feel “comfortable” 🤷🏼‍♂️. At the same time, it’s nice knowing that they still talk funny and I start to miss home (Portugal) sooner and sooner every visit 🥰. But Thai food…be still my heart 💜. There’s a place close to their house called Vegan Tofu that I wish was down the street from me here in Lisboa so bad I can taste it (sigh, not quite yet)! Anyway, thanks for the lovely words…I’m trapped in our place recovering from hip surgery and this was a nice diversion 🤗

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

Such a great perspective! I spent a mere 3 weeks in France and had those same experiences, sometimes breezing along and feeling I can blend in, and other times stumbling on the easiest interaction. And the whole time having so much empathy for those who can't be fully themselves in another language and culture.

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Ok so I *must* know: what is filha's favorite online game? Anything that affords hours of explanation of how to be a wolf sounds worth exploring to me!

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The game is called WolfQuest: https://www.wolfquest.org/

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Wow! This looks amazing and intense.

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Yeah. Filha is obsessed and now she's got Sarah playing it, too!

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That's awesome :-D

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

I feel these sentiments and have flip flopped on where to go for my birthday in March. The Canary Islands sound lovely and warm; Seville is an easy enough drive... but London seems to be calling mostly for the language. I am not the most gregarious person in the world but this feeling of not knowing for seven months is hard. I've also tossed around the idea of scrapping it all for a night in a local hotel followed by a much needed massage. I'm glad you were able to connect with a friend as well as fill up your cup.

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Oh the white noise for lost words... I grew up trilingual. That white noise Comes acompanied by every word possible except in the language i am looking for... and now i am learning a forth...🙈😂.

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I'm glad you got to go reconnect. (I remember meeting Sarah and taking those photos....one of the most interesting settings for Photography). Is there a way to message you privately? I have a non-time sensitive request.

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I am still using my old email....if you have it.

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Just sent you a DM!

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I hear you Donna, it’s a must to have an injection of England every so often with the familiarity and comfort of English spoken and understood.

We are trying our darnest to learn the Portuguese language but it’s very hard!

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Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 16, 2023Author

It's LaDonna. And I'm American, so I don't know that an injection of England every so often is a must for me. It's just a nice-to-have. ;)

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