Dec 1, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

For me, this is one of the most powerful things you have written. You put into words what I have only been able to feel and made those feelings make more sense. Thank you.

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Thanks, Jeremiah. It was a tough one to write, possibly because I am feeling all of these things so strongly that it's been difficult even for me to put the right words to it.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” -Mark Twain

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

Thank you for writing this post. I imagine it may have been difficult to write, not knowing how many followers you would lose and the comments that might come from these opinions of yours. It breaks my heart to think of how much good we Americans could do in the world and how much damage we have done. I know full well we are not the only country to behave this way. Just look around. I traveled in my 20's for 6 years and got a taste of "outside the religion of America", but returned "home". Since moving to Portugal 18 months ago, the things you talked about have been happening to my perspective as well. And I am troubled for my friends who still live in the USA and I am troubled for the world. I am immensely grateful for the chance to live in Portugal with all it's beauty and imperfections. Thank you for your courage and honesty.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

..."America itself is a religion." Never thought of it that way--perfect! Obrigado.

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Your words here are powerful and encapsulate so much of how I feel.

I have struggled with my American identity and the hypocrisy of the idealistic ‘Stars & Stripes’ narrative. It thankfully parallels with the privilege I’ve had to live in so many other parts of the world and to engage with people of many different ethnicities, religions and backgrounds.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

I had to sit with this post and reread it a few times. We, as a nation, have a history of violence. Exacerbated by the greed of weapons manufacturing. I have read that if one of the major defense contractors were a nation, their profits (as expressed as GDP) would put them in the top 5 countries of the world. It's so wrong. And so entrenched.

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

Religion... patriotism... I am right you are wrong. From sublte devision to right in your face. Makes me indescibably sad. We are sll related. Thank you for your words

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

Your writing continues to amaze me. I recognize in your words so much that has been rumbling incoherently around in my own head, and heart. You've given me so much to think about. Thank you.

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Wow! Fantastic post! Still in tears, and remembering a 2003 trip to Italy when we wanted to pretend we were Canadian. Of course that was the year that all Europe was protesting the us invasion of Iraq. Thanks for sharing

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

Powerful ...

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

Wow. Beautifully said. Wow.

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Your article brought me to tears and I believe all these issues are the reason so many US citizens are giving up and finding somewhere else to live. I suspect we're all ashamed of our government's actions throughout a great deal of our history and our belief that expecting meaningful change is hopeless. It's all about greed and the pursuit of more! Even if we're in the majority we've lost control.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

This. All of it. Thank you. I will be Sharing for sure.

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LaDonna, you are such a good writer and your words were powerful and true. But there are good things, many good things, about America too. (I'm Canadian, living and working in Paris for three decades; next year I'll move to Spain.) For example, you wrote almost lovingly about your daughter's school in S.F. and how much she missed it. For example, the innovation and talent that has come out of the USA, in terms of art-music-film, not to mention technology, medical science, research and so much more, is prodigious...phenomenal.

America does not have the monopoly on violence. Other nations commit or have committed horrific crimes in the past, including the country I live in (France).

For as much harm the USA has caused, domestically and globally, it has also done much good in terms of humanitarian aid, generosity, the dedication of American volunteers ... and many other things.

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023Author

I'm not saying there's nothing good about the US. I lived there most of my life, I'm aware of the good things. But the good does not cancel out the bad, and the bad is very very bad. If a person hasn't lived in the States, I don't think they get the whole picture. But I also don't think a person gets the whole picture living inside the American bubble. Move within and without and one begins to get a sense of the entire nature of the beast.

Most Americans are indoctrinated as children with the idea that our country is exceptionally awesome. #1, best of the best in all the world. I have been unlearning that particular bit of programming for decades.

I completely understand that America does not have the monopoly on violence. But I am American, and the havoc and harm my country wreaks throughout the world is funded in part by MY life, by MY work. So I have a pretty damn high stake in it. And it's important to come to terms with the ugliness. Otherwise how can I do anything to make it better?

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You forgot Ukraine 😢. I couldn't read anymore after that. Over 300,000 children stolen and taken to Russia. And yes, apart from the stolen children, there's plenty of genocide happening in Ukraine. Still. Two years on and it's still happening.


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I agree that what Russia has done to and in Ukraine is horrifying and atrocious, and that war crimes abound. I did not forget Ukraine. I did not include all the wars that are currently being waged, as I was focusing on places with an incredible imbalance of power as well as a lack of care or support from the United States.

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Brutally honest and sadly true. I have added years to my life after moving to Portugal where I don’t consume the division and scary march to authoritarianism on a 24-hour news cycle. This article was well-researched and I learned many things. Thanks for this and for the courage to speak your truth.

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