Feb 27, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

The theme of your post hit home tonight. I was scrolling through FaceBook and realized that half of the ads were in Portuguese and I didn’t have the energy to translate them and the other half were ads from places I’ve lived in the US (10 best things to do in Western WA; Beaufort SC Festivals). Excited to be here but clinging somewhat to the familiar from there. My husband and I have a daily mantra “It’s only hard once”....some days I repeat the mantra more than once....other days not at all.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

omg.... I'm a broken record it seems, but I do just love how and what you write...every time! My wife is gone for a mere two weeks, but how I (we) can relate... " "all you have to do" is keep the kid alive..."" and that (now) as a stranger in a strange land. What a great mantra! Kudos, and may there be internal warmth as well as woodpile warmth, you bring it to a lot us!

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I, too, moved away from the Bay Area (to rural Vermont) six months ago and sometimes days go by when we don't see another human unless we venture out...Your insightful, honest, spot-on writing has resonated on so many levels. Immensely appreciated.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

“A life that fits.” Yes! That’s my north star in this new land. We’ll get there eventually....

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

"Missing other versions of myself." OMG, I so needed to read that. It resonated deeply for me. I wasn't sure exactly what I was missing until I read that sentence. It's not homesickness in the sense of being in places and having more things but missing me, who I was in those places. Life is simple and I'm grateful. However, I wonder if I'll ever be peaceful with this current version that lacks a particular depth. Your writing is so crisp and refreshing. Thank you so much for sharing it. Hugs & peace.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

Beautiful. There is something innately sad about late February. We did a hooky day where we all called in sick, took the kids to legoland, and then watched Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. we decided to make it an annual late-February family tradition. The long nights and oppressive darkness do a number on my seasonal depression, even in Southern California. I use a full spectrum light first thing in the morning and try to get outside to see the dusk. I TRY to do a cold shower or bath first thing too (it’s supposed to help with building up “brown fat” and helping with lowering anxiety-inducing neuro chemicals) but that and exercising are the two things I tend to skip even though I know they’d help. Sending hugs and hopes of longer days and sunshine soon. Plodding along without your better half is definitely harder when you don’t have all those other parts of the support system in place.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

Brilliant, simply brilliant.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by LaDonna Witmer

Sending virtual 🫂. Your writing is particularly moving.

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I’m so sorry you are away from the person who your main support for so very long. Hope you find comfort in all the people who care so much about you and your family. Blessings, Gini

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"Now here we sit, Filha and I, with the little owls and the swiftly dwindling wood pile."


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