LaDonna...I just read this and literally burst into tears! My husband and I have been talking and preparing for the idea of relocating and retiring to Portugal and, I swear, your articles have really made the idea real for me....for us. I was laid off from my job on June 4th and, frankly, I'm terrified. I believe I'm holding it together fairly well, for the most part....of course, my tearful outburst and trying to type this response thru a sea of tears is somewhat evidence to the contrary....but I'm trying to be strong, particularly for my life partner. I haven't been unemployed in over 20 years, but I've had the nagging question lingering in my brain for some time now, "Is it all worth it???" We have worked so hard to build a beautiful and comfortable home here in southern Maine and we have a blessed life and wonderful family nearby....but we are both 54 and longing for something different. And frankly, I think you and I are on the same page when it comes to whether this country is still worth living in. I'm black and my husband is white....and as a black man, these past few years have not been easy. And not to make it all about that, but boy, does the climate here play a HUGE part in my wanting to find peace and tranquility and a better quality of life in Portugal. We also have done the initial work of tons of YouTube videos, and culling real estate listings....we are part of a few wonderful Facebook expat groups and are making new friends and meeting people online who can assist with our move. I even have a very close friend who is native to Portugal and is helping guide our thoughts on this. My only regret, at this point, is that I'm not as bold as you and Marido. My fear is not being financially prepared to make the move. I'm already scared out of my mind on what we're going to do if I can't find a job here at home, going from 2 incomes to a single income, where my husband makes considerably less than I do. And I'm desperately trying to overcome that fear and begin actual planning of how to make this happen. I guess I just wanted to share how much your articles are helping me in doing that. Just typing all this out has subsided the tears and has given me a sense of peace. I've subscribed to your newsletters and am going to keep following your journey! I'm so incredibly excited for you and your family and I wish you all the best. And I've heard so many wonderful things about Setubal, I'm thinking it very well may end up the town for us as well. Thanks so much for sharing your story. My heart is with you guys.

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Oh Edd, I feel you. So much. Not only about moving to Portugal, but about getting laid off and all the pressure and fear and stress that comes with it. I've gotten laid off so many times in my career up to this point. 7 or 8, at least. And every one of them sucked, even the ones I saw coming. I'm so glad reading about my journey is helping you envision your journey. I promise you, it's do-able. And WHEN you get here, please look me up. Who knows, maybe we'll even be neighbors! Sending you all the good thoughts I can muster. ❤️

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Thank u so much LaDonna! Your response means so much. I sent u a PM on FB.

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You’re pricing locals out of buying a house. Thanks to you selfish people me and my generation won’t be able to buy a house until we’re 40. Take that American privilege and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine

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"The belief that we can unsubscribe from the version of life that depletes us." LOVE THIS!!!! (can I use it? with credit of course.) I think is is CRAZYCOOL. I'm jealous ;) I want to go with you. Hopefully....you can show me around and I will take photos, of course!

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Of course you can borrow it. And come take photos!

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Parabens. Kindred spirit.

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<3 great post, L!

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This is so awesome LaDonna! Thank you for writing this, I've been thinking about doing the same thing. You are brave and open-hearted, positive and open to possibility. You'll figure it out and I hope you'll take us along on the journey!

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I love this. I love this. Yes, yes!

From one runaway to another, with lots of love and admiration... I look forward to following along with all of your growth, learning, and newness.

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This is amazing, i'm so happy for you and that it is all working out. I know how huge (and complicated!) it is to move overseas, let alone during a pandemic and I think it's (you are!) amazing! What an adventure you have awaiting you - i'm so excited to read your updates. And Rich said it absolutely perfectly 'we are fortunate that you are such a great writer and you can take us along your adventure'. So much love xxx

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I love this and am thrilled for you! I look forward to hearing Lucette’s side of this adventure and how she does from a kids perspective!

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And I don’t know why pic is sideways

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You are right, this is Crazycool. We are fortunate that you are such a great writer and you can take us along on your adventure.

Rich Miltimore

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Can't wait to hear more! So excited for you...

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I love this story. You are so right. It's not running away...it is about hope, possibility, and another way of life. Congrats!

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With you my friend it’s always been where would you move to!!! That itch to really experience another culture is not a running away, so enjoy the crazycool and can’t wait to keep reading how it goes!

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You rock girl. So impressed!!!

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This is so freaking crazycool and my wandering soul wishes it was me. Adventures await!

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Amazing. So exciting. We have been trying to figure out how to live in Denmark, like forever...

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